Wheat Thins
On 5/21/2014 11:07 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 5/21/2014 12:13 PM, Travis McGee wrote:
>>> On 5/21/2014 9:52 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>> I'll pass on them. If I want a dill pickle, it will come from the
>>>> barrel at the deli. Many of the flavors of chip I do like though.
>>> I've seen dill pickle flavored potato chips, but never tried them. I
>>> also once had hot-dog flavored potato chips; they were disgusting.
>> I think it's safe to write off any meat flavor chips right off
>> the bat.
> They seem to be popular in other countries though. I was shocked at
> some of the flavors I saw that already exist elsewhere when Lays started
> that first new flavor contest. Shrimp. No thanks!
The shrimp chips that I've had, from Oriental markets, have more in
common with Cheetos than with American style potato chips. You can get
them puffed and unpuffed; the puffed kind you eat right out of the bag,
and the unpuffed kind you toss into hot oil, and they puff up right
before your eyes, sort of like popcorn. The result is a sort-of flat
Cheetoh, shrimp flavored rather than cheese flavored. They're pretty good.