"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/21/2014 11:04 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 5/21/2014 1:15 AM, sf wrote:
>>>> I saw a display with quite a few new flavors... but one flavor grossed
>>>> me out. Here's a picture that meets Sheldon's high photographic
>>>> standards and the flavor is right up his alley. LOL
>>>> https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7330/...7b7b4bf5b5.jpg
>>> I'll pass on them. If I want a dill pickle, it will come from the
>>> barrel at the deli. Many of the flavors of chip I do like though.
>> I got some dill pickle popcorn. I didn't try it but the person I gave
>> it to loved it!
> May I ask why you buy things like dill pickle popcorn to give away?
> Jill
Because the person I gave it to loves both popcorn and pickles! And she
love this!