"Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> sf wrote:
>> On Thu, 22 May 2014 09:17:21 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
>> wrote:
>>> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Thu, 22 May 2014 02:19:47 +0000 (UTC), "Winters_Lackey"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> It's a couple dollars cheaper at WalMart, but my problem with Soda
>>>>>> Stream is the cost of replacing those tiny CO2 cartridges.
>>>>> YES, I certainly agree.
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YouxAodQXv8
>>>> Easy to refill at home.
>>> Cool!
>> First you need to buy all of that equipment and dry ice. Might as
>> well pay for refills.
> All I remember was seeing two wrenches which we already own, a funnel
> which we already own, a hammer which we already own, gloves which we
> already own, and dry ice isn't expensive. I'm not going to do this any
> time soon just because we don't use ours that much - I think I replace a
> canister maybe once every 3 months.
> There is also a video on hooking up a bigger canister that looked cool -
> the guy sells a little kit that includes the proper valves and hoses, and
> you put a bigger canister under your counter and connect it with a hose.
> He says he gets his canister filled at a local fire extinguisher company.
That's the way to go. Or the FE company will refill your little bottle for
maybe a few bucks. You can also refill your own bottles.
> Maybe it's just because I'm male but I think these things are cool and
> enjoyed watching both videos, even if I'm likely never going to do either.
> If we couldn't get our canisters swapped out locally, I'd be more likely
> to consider one or the other of those options.
It's easy and safe., We aren't talking huge pressure here. The CO2 is in
liquid form and has relatively little pressure.
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