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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 35,884
Default Sleeping (WAS: You must try this recipe!)

On 2014-05-23 11:05 AM, jmcquown wrote:

> Better this than sleeping pills. It's been a while (knock wood) since I
> had a bad bout of insomnia. I can't credit the machine, per se, but
> trying to sleep without some sort of background noise would be almost
> impossible.

There were nights that I had trouble getting to sleep. I would toss and
turn and fret about not getting enough sleep because I had to get up
early in the morning to go to work. I came to realize that I was not
awake as long as I feared. Somewhere along the line I learned not to
worry about it and slept better.

I also learned not to drink coffee in the evening. One small cup of
coffee after dinner... before 7 pm. It also helps to get lots of
physical exercise.