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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Default FDA approves a new artificial sweetener

On 5/23/2014 12:26 AM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Paul M. Cook" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> "Jeßus" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Thu, 22 May 2014 15:54:44 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> "Jeßus" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On Wed, 21 May 2014 22:35:31 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>> <snip>
>>>>>>> They had just better not mess with my soft drinks! I hated it when
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> added Splenda.
>>>>>> Yeah, soft drink. That would be right. Diabetes not self inflicted,
>>>>>> LOL (the artificial sweetener is irrelevant). Your diet is shit.
>>>>> Oh? Pears, beans, Ciabatta bread sandwiches...shit? What planet do
>>>>> you
>>>>> live on? And no, diabetes is never self inflicted for anyone.
>>> Ciabatta bread is made from refined wheat.
>>> Jesus, you're not even trying to help yourself.
>>>> Yes it is. You know it, too. I know I became diabetic because I ate way
>>>> too many carbs and let my weight increase. People abuse their pancreases
>>>> and that leads to diabetes.
>>> For the overwhelming majority of people, yes. I've read Julie's posts
>>> long enough to know that she eats a lot of the wrong stuff. (I don't
>>> need to see a reply countering the argument with selective healthy
>>> ingredients either)

>> I seem to recall she had Ciliac disease. Bread isn't so good for that
>> either.
>> ---
>> You would recall wrong then. Nobody in my family has celiac but my
>> daughter knows someone who has it.
>> As for a diabetic diet, there isn't one. I eat pretty much what I have to
>> eat. Between the food intolerances and the gastroparesis, that doesn't
>> leave much. I used to love eating big tossed salads with no dressing
>> although I might put a little lemon or salsa on them, depending on what
>> was in it. I might use eggs, cheese or nuts in the salad. Alas, I can no
>> longer have any cheese, eggs or some nuts and if I try to eat a big salad,
>> it will come right back up a few hours later and in a most painful way.
>> I ate one Ciabatta sandwich in a restaurant. They list the nutritional
>> information of their food. It was the exact carb count needed for my meal
>> and there was nothing in it that was bad for me. The only thing that
>> might have been better would have been a little fat. If I order it again,
>> I'll set a side of bacon to go with.
>> I bought one bag of Ciabatta rolls. I ate four of them. Not all at once.
>> Husband ate one. Normally I eat honey whole wheat bread and only 2 slices
>> per day. Other carby foods that I eat are tortilla (often corn), popcorn,
>> whole wheat pasta, brown rice, peas, corn and potatoes. I no longer need
>> to measure my food out as I can eyeball what a serving is.
>> I can't do low carb. Well, I could. But it leaves my blood sugar up
>> around 300. YMMV. So I do have to eat some carbs. But not too many
>> carbs.

> I am allowed 15 grams per day. Preferably not at the same time. Sounds
> like your liver is dumping all the time. Mine did too until I went back on
> the metformin. Now my BG is way down. I had assumed it no longer was
> working but without it I could not get my BG below 300. I managed to really
> F myself up letting the BG go so high. My last labs were so bad I can't
> even talk about it. Looking better now though.

15 grams of carbs per day sounds very restrictive. That's like one
slice of bread and no tomatoes, carrots, onions, not to mention the
starchy veggies. Even the non-carby veggies have some carbs. Are you
just eating pure protein?

>> I rarely ever eat fruit. So I ate a few pears. So what? I didn't eat
>> them all at once. And most weeks I haven't eaten a single bite of fruit.

> I miss fruit but it is a lot of sugar.

For people with a less restrictive carb allowance than yours, a piece
of fruit once in a while, if included in the meal carb count, couldn't
hurt. My DH's meals have no more than 45 grams, and most of the time
it's about 20 to 30 grams. He does have an insulin pump so if he wants
to cheat a bit, he can bolus for the extra carbs.

His A1Cs are under 6.2 consistently. They were lower, but his endo
wants the A12 higher because of his age and physical condition.

Janet Wilder
Way-the-heck-south Texas
Spelling doesn't count. Cooking does.

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