Sammy wrote:
> "Dan Miller" > wrote in message
> om...
>>>>On 4 Aug 2004 03:53:56 -0700, (WineSellerTeam) wrote:
>>>>>Hi Folks,
>>>>>Be sure and check out - Its a new
> wine
>>>>>site based in Ireland with over 21 years experience in the business.
>>>>>And establish list of customers shows these guys mean business.Wines
>>>>>at wholesale prices, often the same as what off licenses buy them
> for!
>>>>>These guys also supply Coffe machines for your business backed up by
>>>>>some great aftersales service. You can download the catalogue of
> wines
>>>>>from the site at any time or call them with a query.
>>>>>So go on and check it out!
>> Mike Tommasi > wrote in message
>>>>You work for them. So don't pretend you are some objective client.
>>>>This is not what this forum is intended for. And 99% of your audience
>>>>is not even in Ireland, incredible as that may seem.
>>>>Mike Tommasi, Six Fours, France
>>>>email link
(WineSellerTeam) wrote in message
> . com>...
>>>I think that was intended alright Mike
>>>Lighten up
>>Rather than waste space expressing displeasure about
>>'Shilling' for one's own commercial site, I sent a direct e-mail
>>explaining that such postings were out of place and could easily be
>>viewed as unethical.
>>Daragh MacLoughlin was 'kind enough' to respond and explain that:
>>1) "i never tried to hide any affiliation"
>>2) "Ever hear of a language barrier Dan? English isnt my first
>>language so i cannot always convey what i need to"
>>3) "well to be honest i didnt actually check to see the general flow
>>of conversation or check the rules and in fact i think that was the
>>first ever post ive made to alt groups"
>>So, thanks Daragh! Since I'm not in Ireland, I don't have to decide
>>whether to do business with this company. (It would have been an easy
>>decision, anyway). But I do often add links to merchants in other
>>countries on my web site to help direct residents toward worthwhile
>>merchants. I don't think I'll be putting up any positive links for
>>this guy.
> Oh you should: they've got 'Chat Lynch Badge', afterall ;-).
> Sammy
Is this where someone starts a "back to wine" thread?