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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46,524
Default Americans dine out 4.8 times a week?

Really? That's what this article says.

Even when Angela was dancing a lot of hours and we had to force a meal in
between classes or grab something after class, we didn't dine out that
often. Right now we are down to once a week but only because we are taking
my mom out. We used to take her for lunch and dinner but... Her meals are
now all paid for where she lives so we may have to rethink what we are

We do like to dine out occasionally. Particularly at that really good
taqueria or for Mexican food. Sadly, what I make at home in the realm of
Mexican food can not compete with them. And we have found that the food
quality for most things suffers a little to greatly if we get it to go. So
we do like to go to those places but other than that, prefer to eat at home.

Who are these people who dine out all the time? I know that my parents
would fit into that category and we did dine out a lot when I was a kid but
I think 4.8 times a week is pushing it. Even the people I know who don't
cook, don't dine out that often. They might buy something prepared that
only needs to be heated or they eat something like a salad or sandwich which
they might make but they don't actually cook stuff.