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tert in seattle tert in seattle is offline
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Default Advice on wedding present

Mark Thorson wrote:
> My niece is getting married, and I'm currently
> thinking about giving the Waring WCT704 toaster.
> It has two long wide slots which can do four
> slices of regular bread at once, or a couple
> slices of crudely thick-sliced rustic bread.
> I don't know whether my niece cooks, but it's
> doubtful because her mother doesn't. Therefore
> a toaster oven or microwave oven might not be
> useful. And they might already have a microwave,
> but not a mighty toaster like the WCT704.
> They're Mormons, so no coffee gadgets.
> I gave some thought to a SodaStream, but I can't
> be sure that would be used. That's more of a
> foodie type item. Same thing for a juicer or
> water distiller. For sure, no deep fryer or
> sous vide cooker. I did consider a Ronco
> rotissiere, but that's probably too far out
> of the box.
> A toaster might be the closest thing that would
> actually get used. I'm thinking toaster + a
> good bread knife.
> I'd like to hear suggestions. Does anyone know
> of an unexpected gift that would be spectacularly
> useful for a young couple? (Not necessarily
> food-related, of course.)

get them this book - a truly fascinating read

also don't assume someone doesn't cook because their mother didn't - it
is not a heritable trait