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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Americans dine out 4.8 times a week?

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> "Winters_Lackey" > wrote:
>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>> I rarely go for breakfast. Breakfast menus are usually high fat, high
>>> sugar foods. I limit myself to bacon and eggs once a week, and always
>>> make sure to have fruit with it. My usual breakfast at home is porridge,
>>> and I will be damned if I am going to pay $3-4 for a small bowl of
>>> oatmeal when I can make it for myself at home for 5 cents.

>>You can't make a bowl of oatmeal for 5 cents.

> Okay, he exaggerates, 10¢ for more than one person can eat.
> I actually detest eating breakfast out... they charge outrageous
> prices for two stinkin' eggs and rarely are they properly cooked.
> Breakfast is the easiest meal to prepare at home. And breakfast
> joints (like IHOP, etc.) are always crowded, noisey, and smelly (never
> fails folks bring howling babies with pooped diapers). Given a choice
> I'll always eat breakfast at home, I can have as many eggs as I want
> cooked any way I want and I get peace and quiet. I rarely have eggs
> for breakfast anyway, to me fried eggs is dinner... I have brunch,
> just finished a ham n' swiss on rye.

I'm pretty sure if you bought oatmeal in bulk somewhere, it would be super
cheap. I eat toast. $3.49 to something like $5.49 per loaf depending on
where I get it. Yes, there is cheaper bread. I just like this kind.