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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Advice on wedding present

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> Have you ever been to a wedding, Kook? The presents aren't there the
>> night before. You're lying again. Time to pretend it was all a big joke
>> and disappear for a while.

> This *was* the norm when I was a kid. Often they were sent to the mom's
> house who brought them (usually the day before) to wherever the reception
> was being held. The bride them opened them in front of everyone. In
> those days, there was no dinner served. Generally there was cake, nuts,
> mints, coffee and punch. There might be a second bowl of spiked punch.
> And if they wanted to go all out, ice cream was served with the cake.
> Used to be that you could get fancy squares of ice cream that had various
> shapes put inside. I had some that had ballerinas inside for my birthday
> party. These were kept on dry ice.

Most weddings I have been to they don't open the gifts until after the
reception is over. When I chose the gift from her registry I also chose the
wrapping and filled out the card. Then the gifts were all delivered by the
store to the bride's chosen destination.

> However, this may have been a Midwest thing. None of the weddings I went
> to here in the PNW were like that at all.

There is no formal rule I am aware of. Some people I hear open their gifts
on their honeymoon.


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