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Winters_Lackey Winters_Lackey is offline
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Default Coat Hanger Days

Ed Pawlowski > wrote in

> On 5/26/2014 1:41 PM, Winters_Lackey wrote:
>> So, **** is worse than perverted? It's funny, **** is the one word
>> that still riles almost every American. It's really silly. The idea
>> of body parts being degrading is foreign to my way of thinking.

> It is how words are used. I don't know if you are perverted or not,
> but you do show an unusual obsession with sex.

I never denied my hypersexuality nor hyperromanticism. I had no problem
with Gary, or you thinking I'm a "sex manic." Jill called me perverted,
which I think is far worse than a generic insult like ****.
> What you do in private with a consenting adult is not my business.
>> It was the perfect word, considering that Jill's original insult--and
>> there's no question that she *started it*--was of a sexual nature,

> No, it is a word from the dark recesses of the gutter and was used in
> a middle school type of retaliation.

My British frieds throw it around casually, but it was indeed intended
to be offensive.
> How you use it enables others to form an opinion of you. Is that how
> you want to be known?

As someone who doesn't let some hag spinster insult me without
retaliating? Yes. Yes, it is.
> Would you show it to your wife and son and be proud?

Like I wrote, it's a word I used in a lyric. My wife and son have heard
it many times, as have all of my son's friends, and a lot of other
> Most of all, do you respect yourself?

Why wouldn't I? I don't find profanity offensive. I find mainstream
traditional values offensive. To me, this is like scripture--
chatterley045.shtml OMG! He wrote, "****," a bunch of times!

Whereas the literature that rejects sexual freedom is filth to me.

These are my heroes:

The al-Quaeda folks are lucky that it was just Rumsfeld who was running
the show. Waterboarding? Shit, I'd have performed involuntary sex
reassignment, then used them as rewards for good behavior in supermax
prisons, filmed it, then made damned sure that the video was leaked.

In many ways, I am not a nice man. There are all kinds of reasons one
might have to dislike me. I am vengeful, and I get a kick out of hate
that I consider righteous. On the other hand, I am extremely loyal, and
I love as intensely as I hate.

On this Memorial Day, we are being asked to respect not only those who
fought and died for a worthy cause, but the chumps who were used by our
government to fight for predatory capitalism, and who did so out of
mindless "patriotism." They hated, and even killed, for no reason but
deference to authority.

Remember Milgram and Zimbardo? See? Lou Reed was wrong when he said,
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate
intensity." Sheep are no better than wolves if they accept authority,
and pigs? "Four legs good, two legs better!"

I do ramble, but Winter calls.

"Get your jollies in while you can. '****' is fairly acceptable and
in use by the younger generation. Too bad, this leaves us with no
one word that will get our dander up."
--dsi1, in, 5-26-2014