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pure kona[_2_] pure kona[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 317
Default Advice on wedding present

On Sun, 25 May 2014 17:13:19 -0400, James Silverton
> wrote:

>On 5/25/2014 5:00 PM, pure kona wrote:
>> On Sun, 25 May 2014 11:03:29 -0500, barbie gee >
>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 24 May 2014, Mark Thorson wrote:
>>>> They're Mormons, so no coffee gadgets.
>>> Mormons don't drink coffee?
>>> What about tea? There's lots of tea gadgets.

>> I have a couple of coffee customers in Utah. I always wonder but
>> would never dare ask.
>> aloha,
>> Cea

>Not all the inhabitants of Utah are Mormons and not all Mormons live in
>Utah. My grandmother was a Mormon and her biggest problem was during
>WWII in Britain when she could not buy a horrible concoction called
>Postum. She used to drink cocoa and worried about that being allowed. I
>was too young to tell her that cocoa contains stimulants and that's
>perhaps as well.

My grand parents were not any kind of religion and they drank Postum
too. I remember the jar on their table. To be fair, it was probably
hard to get real coffee here during the war and probably during the
50s and 60s. (Kona Coffee was not sold around Hawaii much then.)

I rememerb even in the 80s, it was hard to buy flour at our biggest
local grocery store, w/o any weevils. Stuff used to come by slow ship.

Thank goodness for modern times!
