On Wed, 04 Aug 2004 13:36:50 +0200, Mike Tommasi >
>On 4 Aug 2004 03:53:56 -0700, (WineSellerTeam) wrote:
>>Hi Folks,
>>Be sure and check out http://www.wineselleronline.com - Its a new wine
>>site based in Ireland with over 21 years experience in the business.
>>And establish list of customers shows these guys mean business.Wines
>>at wholesale prices, often the same as what off licenses buy them for!
>>These guys also supply Coffe machines for your business backed up by
>>some great aftersales service. You can download the catalogue of wines
>>from the site at any time or call them with a query.
>>So go on and check it out!
>You work for them. So don't pretend you are some objective client.
He posted as WineSeller Team. I don't see any pretense
>This is not what this forum is intended for. And 99% of your audience
>is not even in Ireland, incredible as that may seem.
"3.4 Can I advertise my wine website?
As mentioned in the Advertising on Usenet FAQ, on-topic business
(including website) announcements are allowed. You may announce any
wine-related website on the group. Non-wine-related website
announcements are off-topic, and thus should not be posted to the
group. Wine-related announcements should be limited to the launching
of a website or a major addition to/subtraction from/redesign of the
site, and they should ideally be informational, rather than
promotional, in nature. A handy rule of thumb is that if you are
posting an announcement more than once a month, you're probably
posting too often, and you're likely to get on someone's nerves, even
if your site is the best thing since the invention of bottled wine."
That rule sounds very well-worded to me. So what is the problem with
the post? The "ideally be informational" bit is the only possible
problem one could have.
Steve Slatcher