Thread: chicken breasts
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John Kuthe[_2_] John Kuthe[_2_] is offline
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Default chicken breasts

On Tue, 27 May 2014 21:46:44 -0700, isw > wrote:

>Seems that in my area (Bay Area above SF), chicken breasts have been
>getting larger over the past few years. A lot of the ones at the local
>(small chain) super clock in at about a pound per side (i.e. 2 lb. per
>bird), and that's with the tenderloins removed.
>Also (and this is the real question), many of the breasts have parts
>with a texture which is "tougher"; finer grained, almost crunchy, even.
>This is true whether the piece is cooked whole and then sliced, or cut
>up and then cooked. Sautéed, grilled, oven-cooked -- doesn't matter.
>Sometimes I can notice it when I'm cutting the raw chicken, too, so I
>don't think it's due to the cooking process.
>Has anyone else experienced this and/or know what causes it?

Oh heavens yes!!! Chickens with the biggest tits I've even seen! I'm
sure it's caused primarily by selective breeding over and over for the
chickens with the largest thickest pectoral muscles, combined with all
the antibiotics, growth hormines and all the other horrible DRUGS they
administer to the chickens while they keep them cooped up in those
tiny "as small as possible to maximize the number of chickens per
acre" they grow. Industrial farming at it best, worst and weirdest.

John Kuthe...