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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default [OT] New respect for cats

> wrote in message
> On Wed, 28 May 2014 10:36:18 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>>"Jeßus" > wrote in message
. ..
>>> On Mon, 26 May 2014 19:10:08 -0300, wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 27 May 2014 07:31:46 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 26 May 2014 07:37:28 -0300,
>>>>>>Conifers in particular put out masses of pollen. Before I moved here
>>>>>>I lived by the sea and at this time of year sometimes there would be a
>>>>>>drift of green on the surface of the water from the pine trees down by
>>>>>>the beach. At that point, I never put washing out on the line,
>>>>>>definitely a good time to use the dryer and forget about perfuming the
>>>>>>washing with sea air
>>>>>Yes, we have a lot of Radiata pine here (forestry). It's incredible
>>>>>just how heavy the pollen is, especially when looking at night with a
>>>>>good spot light.
>>>>It's a killer for my eldest daughter, she had de-sensitizing shots
>>>>last winter and we now wonder what it would have been like this spring
>>>>had she not done so.
>>> Yes, I know how debilitating it can be, glad those shots work for your
>>> daughter - I should look into that myself, for my rye grass allergy.

>>It really affects me in the spring and I get problems in the autumn too.
>>(spores I suppose)

> My DD gets affected - to a lesser degree - in the fall also but I
> believe that is something to do with ragweed. It upsets her because
> she is beginning to feel trapped in the house, she drives to work no
> matter how hot without the AC on and then has to high tail home again.
> Her doctor has told her that in a normal pollen year she would derive
> more benefits from the shots.

Hope it works well for her!
