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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT Kitten Mommy Again.

On 5/28/2014 6:54 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> It's been over a year since our last foster kitten. DH called from the
> shelter (where he volunteers) today and we are now the proud foster
> parents of three tiny kitties, one boy and two little girls.
> Right now they've been fed and peed and are sleeping in the carrier.
> Mickey (Toy Poodle) is delighted to have more kitties in the house. He
> is so good with them.
> For names, we give them numbers in foreign languages. The girls are Vi
> (VI is 6 in Roman numerals) and Nana, which is 7 in Japanese. The boy
> is Weet (huit is 8 in French). Two are a respectable 7+ ounces but one
> little girl is about 6 ounces. The tiny girl is the loudest and
> feistiest of them all.
> I knew today had to be special as it was the first day I was able to
> drive since breaking my knee cap in March. What better way to celebrate
> than to bring home three motherless kitties.
> BTW, they are Hemmingway cats.

Ooooh, polydactyls! What fun!

Okay, I know you're feeling all fiesty since you can drive again.
Please try not to overdo. You have three wee ones to tend to even with
DH and Mickey's help. Breaking something else wouldn't be a good idea.

They sound adorable. I hope when they get settled you'll have some pics
to post.
