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Winters_Lackey Winters_Lackey is offline
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Posts: 430
Default Crazy Things People Tell Me (Yes, food related)

notbob > wrote in :

> On 2014-05-28, jmcquown > wrote:
>> the walk-ins in the back. Reason: people who shop late at night were
>> stealing it. She further said they told her they were understaffed so

> I don't know if that's the real reason, but I do know poor ppl can
> steal a whole lotta stuff. When I got outta the service, I was living
> in a fairly "basic" tenenment. It was a duplex and a four-plex facing
> each other, all one bdrm. We all called it "the ghetto" even though
> is was basically decent. All the tenents who lived there were young
> and worked for the pool construction company next door, so all were
> gainfully employed.
> Anyway, at one point 2 girls moved into one unit. They were heroin
> addicts. One was pregnant and you wouldn't believe all the stuff they
> could steal! Entire hams, beef roasts, Whole turkeys, etc. All I
> hadda do was put in an order. I never availed myself of this
> questionable service, but it was quite the education.

The only thing that I ever bought that I knew to be stolen merchandize was
booze. That was when I was around 13, 14 years old. I wasn't buying it
stolen to get it cheaper, but because I was not allowed to buy it legally,
so I felt justified. I really would have rather paid more to buy it
honestly. **** drinking age laws.

Anyone disagree?
> nb

You can cover up your guts, but when you cover up your nuts
You're admitting that there must be something wrong.
-The Who