Thread: chicken breasts
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Moe DeLoughan[_2_] Moe DeLoughan[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 685
Default chicken breasts

On 5/28/2014 4:26 PM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 5/28/2014 3:18 PM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
>> Part of the loss of flavor is connected to the much shortened time from
>> chick to slaughter. It's only a few weeks now. The chickens are so
>> young, they haven't got much taste.
>> I will pay the higher prices for traditionally-raised chickens, just to
>> get chicken that tastes as it should.

> One of our friends raised chickens and they were harvested when the
> chickens were 8 weeks old.

Probably was the commonly available commercial variety bred for very
fast growth. Ready for slaughter at eight weeks; keep them any longer
and they are likely to suffer heart attacks or broken legs from their

Old-time breeds take much longer to reach slaughter weight, averaging
12 weeks. European poultry meat producers also prefer slower growing
breeds. In both cases, it's because the meat has a better flavor and
texture. Also, the old time breeds tend to be hardier and better for
raising on pasture.

I've got a brother who raised free range poultry for twenty years but
got out of it after his daughter grew up and moved away. It's too much
work for a single person to do (especially when it is a sideline). She
and her family are moving back, and they're planning to get back into
raising poultry. I'm looking forward to a convenient (though not
inexpensive) supply of delicious chicken and turkey again.