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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default OT Kitten Mommy Again.

On 5/28/2014 5:54 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> It's been over a year since our last foster kitten. DH called from the
> shelter (where he volunteers) today and we are now the proud foster
> parents of three tiny kitties, one boy and two little girls.
> Right now they've been fed and peed and are sleeping in the carrier.
> Mickey (Toy Poodle) is delighted to have more kitties in the house. He
> is so good with them.
> For names, we give them numbers in foreign languages. The girls are Vi
> (VI is 6 in Roman numerals) and Nana, which is 7 in Japanese. The boy
> is Weet (huit is 8 in French). Two are a respectable 7+ ounces but one
> little girl is about 6 ounces. The tiny girl is the loudest and
> feistiest of them all.
> I knew today had to be special as it was the first day I was able to
> drive since breaking my knee cap in March. What better way to celebrate
> than to bring home three motherless kitties.
> BTW, they are Hemmingway cats.

You are a good kitten mom, and I know Mickey Charles is busy keeping
these kittens in line. So glad you can drive, again! Take care of that
