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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Crazy Things People Tell Me (Yes, food related)

"Moe DeLoughan" > wrote in message
> On 5/28/2014 5:35 PM, sf wrote:
>> On Wed, 28 May 2014 18:12:52 -0400, jmcquown >
>> wrote:
>>> Okay, I know people steal. The dollar store not stocking some items
>>> sort of made sense. But then she told me this bizarre story:

>> <snipped>
>> This one is true:
>> A nearby Safeway had a theft problem. When they reviewed the
>> surveillance tapes, it turned out the thief was their security guard.

> In my youth, working at Target (stores T1 and T23, that's how long ago
> this was), they nailed the head of security at T23 for theft. She'd been
> doing it for years and they'd never noticed. Her m.o. was to play the role
> of a shopper. She'd take a cart, walk the store and the grocery store
> connected to it, and fill the cart with merchandise. At the end of the
> day, she'd just push the cart out to her car and load it. Since she was
> head of security everyone always assumed she'd paid for it. Finally, one
> cashier who'd been on duty all day spotted her leaving and *knew* she
> hadn't paid. Reported it to the manager, who surveilled the security woman
> the next day and boom - busted.
> I also remember a day when a big store rolled through and knocked out the
> power. Suddenly, the store went dark and silent - and then, moments later,
> a mob of shoppers just grabbed stuff and charged towards the exit. All we
> could do was watch all that merch flying out the door.

When I worked at K Mart, the first thing we did during a power outage was
lock all the doors. Including the stockroom doors. Then we went around and
found all of the customers and herded them to the front. They were asked to
either check out and leave or come back after the power came on. It is
possible that some might have stolen small items but no way could they go
out with a TV or stereo without being noticed.

We would get customers who would approach the store during the outage. We
would allow them to buy perhaps 1-3 items if they could tell us exactly what
they wanted and were willing to pay cash. They had to stand outside the
store, and we would bring them their items.