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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Crazy Things People Tell Me (Yes, food related)

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 5/29/2014 12:59 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I was in a Rite Aid when I smelled nail polish. And there right in
>> front of me was an elderly woman, brazenly applying a different color of
>> polish to each nail. Just seemingly randomly opening bottles and doing
>> it. I glared at her.

> Why didn't you find a store employee and point out what the woman was
> doing? Me, I'm not shy. I'd have said point blank WTH do you think
> you're doing?

Had their been someone around, I would have. But there wasn't. And it's
really not up to me to keep pointing out shoplifters. That particular
location seems to be a perfect spot for them. Years ago it was a Pay and
Save. I was in high school at the time and a guy in one of my classes
worked there. I can't remember how many kids told me they had stolen the
little 45 records from that place. I mentioned this to him and he began
watching them. Sure enough! He said he figured none were being sold and
all were being stolen. Of course in those days I doubt they had even
invented surveillance cams.

But these days? Most of the time, the only employee I can find, annoys me
so much that I want to avoid her. I hate it when she is the only cashier
there is. She is an elderly woman who gets confused easily. Once there was
some kind of problem with the woman ahead of me. Not sure what it was but
she left and didn't pay for her things. Didn't take her things either. The
woman rang up my two items which should have totaled around $3 then told me
that I owed $80something. Did not even notice that this couldn't be right.
So I pointed it out to her.

She finally figured out that she hadn't voided the previous sale. So rather
than voiding the whole sale and starting over, she just took off the
individual items and rang up my stuff. So I said, "You need to put my card
in (loyalty card)." To which she replied, "No. It's okay. Her (the other
customer) card is still in there." And I said, "Yeah. So SHE will get my
points!" She just gave me a dumb look and shrugged and didn't correct the
problem. Wasn't such a big deal as I wasn't buying much but this is the
sort of thing that happens each and every time the woman waits on me.

If she had been the one working that day (and she probably was), she likely
wouldn't have done a thing about it. She would have just told me that she
couldn't go over there or some such thing. She has also claimed that she
doesn't know how to call for assistance. It continues to amaze me that she
is still employed.

Once, she continued to scan something over and over and over again with the
register just beeping at her, telling her something was wrong. She must be
deaf as a post. She claimed she could not hear the beeping and had no clue
what was wrong. I had to explain it to her. And the problem was that she
had scanned the wrong card from my keychain and it was beeping to tell her
that she needed to rescan the card. But when you try to tell her from the
git go what the problem is, she just waves her hands at you and gets all
flustered. She won't bother to listen until she has worked through whatever
it all is and her brain has finally processed that something is in fact
wrong. Only then will she ask for help. And yes, she asks the customer for
help. Because she doesn't know how to call anyone.