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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Crazy Things People Tell Me (Yes, food related)

On Thu, 29 May 2014 18:49:07 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> On 5/29/2014 8:15 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> Kohls is the worst! They managed to talk me into getting their rewards
>>> card and their credit card so I could get a 20% discount. I didn't
>>> really want it as I don't care for most of their clothes

>> (snipped TMI)
>>> And then the bad thing happened. I tried to pay the total of my bill
>>> online and I didn't check it out well enough. It only took $20 out of
>>> my account instead of the full amount. Then the next month, I
>>> apparently didn't notice that I had a payment due so didn't go pay it.
>>> By then, my account was in arrears so they charged me a $20 late fee.

>> (*major snippage*)
>> No wonder people think you're an idiot. You bought clothes at Kohl's even
>> though you don't like the clothes and didn't want their credit card. Yet
>> they apparently coerced you into both.

>The clothes were not for me.
>> You tried to pay your bill but didn't notice you only paid $20. Then you
>> got another bill but didn't notice so didn't pay it. So they charged you
>> a late fee. This is somehow Kohl's fault? ROFL

>I didn't say that it was Kohl's fault but it was very difficult to pay. I
>do remember that. I tried three times and it kept putting in $20 instead of
>the amount that I was putting in. I had thought that I finally got the
>amount right. Apparently not. And then things got busy as it was the start
>of school. I wouldn't imagine that you could relate. You don't have kids
>and you only have to take care of yourself and your cat.
>And they do not send bills in the mail. They send them via e-mail. This
>was during the time period where I switched from one computer to another.
>It's highly possible that I somehow missed some e-mails during this time.
>Did you never make a mistake Jill? It was just that. A mistake. However,
>Kohls did make it next to impossible for me to pay off that bill. I had to
>either go in there or use the phone. Their website is very user friendly
>for buying stuff. But it is not user friendly for paying the bills.
>> BTW, Marty, no, I don't believe this is real. But it's sure fun to see
>> where the story goes.

>Who cares!?

You do. And so do many of us here.