Thread: Chili Powder
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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Chili Powder

On 5/30/2014 8:30 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> Pretty sure this has been discussed before but I'm bringing it up again.
> I've been using the Swansons brand and I just ordered some more. I like
> it. They also sell the Frontera brand and another organic brand. I was
> shocked to see that both of those include allspice and cloves in them.
> Those are not seasonings that I want in my chili powder and one showed a
> picture of the bottle. It appeared to have those red pepper flakes in
> it and not be a powder at all.
> Do you make your own chili powder or buy it? What does it have in it?
> Thanks.

You could mix up a batch quite easily. The usual suspects would be
ground chilies, cumin, oregano, dehydrated garlic, and salt.

As it goes, it's difficult to find ground chilies so I'd use Korean
chili pepper powder instead. Additionally, you could add some cocoa for
color and an earthy taste, MSG, cinnamon, cloves, a little Coleman's
mustard, and anything else your heart desires. I'd add a good amount of
red pepper flakes if you like some heat.