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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Turano Italian bread

"MaryL" > wrote in message
> "Cheryl" wrote in message
> I bought a loaf of this huge bread a week ago and made a couple of
> sandwiches and needed to freeze the rest. I wanted a grilled cheese
> today and took the loaf from the freezer and stuck my hand in and pulled
> it out green. There was no detectable mould when I froze it, and had
> even made a sandwich with a slice of it just before putting it in the
> freezer. The inside of the bag was damp even though the bread was
> frozen. I guess this attributed to the mould, but it surprised me since
> it's only been a few days.
> The freezer has a built-in thermometer that reads 0 degrees, and I put a
> separate one in because two readings are better than one flawed one.
> Have you had this happen to recently frozen bread? I guess the size of
> the loaf could be partly to blame and maybe next time I should remove it
> from the original packaging, and separate it into several ziplock bags.
> What do you think? The mould made my throat close up just from
> opening the bag. I have a mould allergy.
> Thanks.
> --
> ღ.¸¸.œ«*¨`*œ¶
> Cheryl
> ~~~~~~~
> This does sound like a freezer problem. I have never had that happen, and
> I have not seen references to similar problems. I do keep a clear plastic
> container in the freezer (top shelf, since that supposedly is the warmest
> area) filled with ice cubes. That is my "unscientific" method of showing
> if electricity has gone--if the cubes melt, or even if they "blend
> together," I would take that as a warning. I have done this ever since I
> had a power failure when I was on vacation.

That is my method also.
