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Travis McGee[_2_] Travis McGee[_2_] is offline
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Default Police nab man pushing cartload of stolen meat from QFC

Police nab man pushing cartload of stolen meat from QFC
Posted on May 30, 2014 | By Lynsi Burton

Seattle police caught a 50-year-old man pushing practically a whole cow
in a grocery cart Wednesday night outside a South Seattle QFC.

Man had a craving, but reportedly did not pay for his fix, police allege.

An officer was driving about 11:15 p.m. down Rainier Avenue South near
South McClellan Street when he noticed a man pushing a shopping cart
filled with meat along the street, Seattle police reports say.

The officer pulled up next to the man, wondering what he was doing with
so many steaks and ribs late at night. The man claimed he was taking
them to a friend’s house.

A second officer consulted with workers at a nearby QFC, who reported
the man had just taken off without paying for the 13 packages of meat,
valued at $263, reports say.

Police booked the man into King County Jail for investigation of the theft.

QFC had to toss the meat because it was taken outside the store.