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Travis McGee[_2_] Travis McGee[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 91
Default Goodness gracious, this group has been re-created?

On 6/2/2014 1:59 AM, Dennilane wrote:
> Totally came across this by accident and was completely surprised!
> Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I was in the group a long-long time ago.
> I even had a recipe or two in the first RFC Cook Book.
> My sig line was "Denise~*" back then. I used to have two parakeets, now I have two boys. Things sure do change!

I had the same thoughts, after I had been away for a while. I got
involved with this group in the mid-90s. I have, for a number of
reasons, gotten involved and then moved on off and on since then.

It's remarkable that the same people still behave the same way, but,
hey, that's their prerogative. I used to hang out in the Canadian,
"penguinpowered" site IRC channel. I recall "Elise", and some moron by
the name of "Andy" there. I haven't seen either of them here or
elsewhere for many years, so I guess people do move on.