Goodness gracious, this group has been re-created?
On Monday, June 2, 2014 1:59:01 AM UTC-4, Dennilane wrote:
> Totally came across this by accident and was completely surprised!
> Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I was in the group a long-long time ago.
> I even had a recipe or two in the first RFC Cook Book.
> My sig line was "Denise~*" back then. I used to have two parakeets, now I have two boys. Things sure do change!
Speaking kids, I was out driving in Rural Alberta, Canada. In the Peace area. Known so because of the Peace River. And the people there are so simple and down to earth. Very peaceful. A wonderful area. Anyway, on a rural road, there lived a family whose surname was Burger. The sign on the front of their mailbox said: Mama and Papa burger and two small fries. Of course I made the assumption that they had two small kids.
Welcome back. The Rev shouldn't post here. But he's posting because of the anti German hatred that some people here exhibit, so he's not alone to blame.