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Moe DeLoughan[_2_] Moe DeLoughan[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 685
Default Turano Italian bread

On 6/1/2014 10:03 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:59:10 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> Agree. Or maybe the door was not closed properly - it can happen
>>> accidentally when the freezer is too full. It looks closed but it's
>>> not properly sealed - the way you can tell is you can hear the motor
>>> is constantly running.

>> Yes! I have to be careful to check both my freezer and fridge doors
>> to make sure they are shut tight. I've had them ajar a bit for a few
>> hours in the past.

> Have you ever use the Vaseline trick on your seals to extend their
> life? It's a way to keep them "subtitle" longer (those suckers are
> super expensive to replace, so I'm all over any way not to bite the
> bullet). After you apply Vaseline to the seals, they have a super
> stick to them (you have to really tug to open the door) but don't do
> what most people do and touch them... if touch/texture could be even a
> remotely possible negative for you - it is has a disgusting YUCK
> factor to it, beware. It feels like sticky slime.

Per the advice given by an appliance repair guy years ago, we use
liquid dish soap on the seal. Plus - again per his advice - we have
our freezer tipped slightly towards the rear, to ensure the door
swings shut even when we've got our hands full and are preoccupied.
Both tips ensure a completely closed door and a tight seal.