Hepatitis from green onions
Ray wrote:
> Bit of a joke, but I've never called anyone a "Kike" or a "******", "Gook
> certainly and don't forget the 'Nips'.
We won't.
> But I always qualify my postings by saying never judge a person by his
> colour, judge him by the way he acts.
Then why do you say "most" Asians are bad?
> Obviously this is a US internal posting, but there is much talk of illegall
> immigration. Where do your immigrants originate?
Mexico and Central America, though we have illegal immigrants from all
over the world.
> We have a immigration
> problem in the UK, but they do not take our jobs, they are not here to work,
> just to scrounge off the social security system and turn the UK into a
> Muslim state.
It's the "religion of peace."
> That's not racist it's realist.
I agree with you on that. What's the use in having laws if they're not
enforced? And what's the use in letting in people who don't or won't
work? It costs less to feed and house them in their countries of origin.