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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Turano Italian bread

On 6/1/2014 11:53 AM, MaryL wrote:

> This does sound like a freezer problem. I have never had that happen,
> and I have not seen references to similar problems. I do keep a clear
> plastic container in the freezer (top shelf, since that supposedly is
> the warmest area) filled with ice cubes. That is my "unscientific"
> method of showing if electricity has gone--if the cubes melt, or even if
> they "blend together," I would take that as a warning. I have done this
> ever since I had a power failure when I was on vacation.

The container with ice cubes is a great idea! It would be useful in the
drawer where the bread got mouldy. Nothing else in that drawer is
mouldy, nor does anything else seem like it has thawed out. I suspect
this package of bread was just too big for the drawer I put it in. My
first thought was to put it in the downstairs freezer, but then it
wouldn't be convenient. Stairs wear me out.
