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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OT The one-legged cook is now a one-handed cook

On 2014-06-03 5:39 PM, Gary wrote:
> Ema Nymton wrote:
>> On 6/1/2014 11:46 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 6/1/2014 12:07 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>>>> Just as I was enjoying the freedom of being able to get around and
>>>> drive, I came down with shingles. It's on my left arm and hand.
>>>> I did have the vaccine, but the doctor thinks that the cancer messed up
>>>> my immune system.
>>>> We are still raising the kittens, bless their little, noisy hearts.
>>> Wow, you've really had some bad luck! I never really heard about
>>> shingles until recently.
>>> Take care of yourself and those wee kitties. Hopefully we'll get to see
>>> some pics of the little cuties soon.
>>> Jill

>> Not sure what Janet did with the kittens, she is in New Jersey right
>> now, her husband's funeral is today. Just when we thought things
>> couldn't get worse. :-(

> WTH Becca? Janet Wilder is at her husband's funeral today? I don't
> remember her even mentioning that he had any problems. oh man.

I don't recall seeing anything post in the group, but it was posted on
FaceBook. Her husband had died unexpectedly. My heart goes out to her.
She has had a lot of suffering inflicted on her lately.