On Wednesday, June 4, 2014 4:04:03 AM UTC-4, Julie Bove wrote:
> Angela needs to make some authentic French food to take to her French class.
> I think it is next week that she needs it. Her class is 2nd period so it
> could sit out at room temp. for a couple of hours. But there is no way to
> reheat it. It needs to be not too terribly heavy as she needs enough for
> the whole class. Not sure how many are in there but probably around 30.
> The easy stuff I can think of is probably too typical and I fear that many
> others might bring the same. Such as something with choux pasty or
> something with puff pastry like Palmiers. I know that macrons are a hot
> item these days but seeing as how they are made with almonds, she couldn't
> eat them. Meringues would also be easy to make but perhaps too common? And
> probably the same for truffles, especially since one of the teaches from her
> Jr. High used to make and sell them to earn money for the school.
> I found a recipe for Langues de Chat (Cat's Tongues). They're a simple
> butter cookie with egg whites that is put down in strips with a pastry bag
> or cookie press. After baking, they are dipped in semi sweet chocolate.
> Any other ideas? I figured they would be getting tons of sweets so was
> trying to think of something not sweet. Salad Nicoise comes to mind but I
> fear that the composed element of it might get kind of wrecked after a ride
> on the school bus and being carried all over school.
> I am just not very familiar with French food and some of what I see on the
> Internet doesn't look too authentic. I realize that just because it has the
> word French in the name, doesn't mean it is really French.
> The class is mostly girls so she said anything with a squick factor would be
> out. Such as escargot. Does the recipe I found sound like a good idea? Or
> can you think of anything else? It also has to be fairly easy to make since
> her cooking/baking experience is almost non-existent. Thanks!
The obvious that comes to mind is cheese with
a baguette. Another possibility is a tray of
crudité or charcuterie. Maybe some French olives.