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Moe DeLoughan[_2_] Moe DeLoughan[_2_] is offline
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Default Separatist? More Fun at The Club

On 6/4/2014 8:57 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> Note: This is not a complaint, merely an observation.
> They're having a Men's Only event at the Club tomorrow night. A
> single-malt whiskey tasting, cigars on the veranda(h), NY strip steaks
> grilled to order, loaded baked potatoes, green beans almondine, bread
> & butter.

I have no problem with Guys/Gals getaway nights. They're a tradition
in my community. But the menu/events seem to be pretty stereotyped. If
this was targeting a younger crowd, I'd suspect they were being hip
and ironic, but I bet they're assuming this is exactly what will make
the retirees happy.

> On July 24th there's a Women's Only wine and chocolate tasting. Sure,
> because all women love chocolate. We sit around eating bonbons while
> watching soap operas. LOL
> Apparently they haven't figured out what else to feed women because
> the email says "details to follow, make your reservation now!"

I bet it'll be a tea, and the women will be told to wear their
fanciest hats.
Or maybe a cards luncheon.

I'd email the club back, and mock-seriously caution them not to get
the strippers booked for each event mixed up. The ladies wouldn't like