REQ: Kan Siu beef recipe
On Thu, 05 Jun 2014 21:20:22 +0200, Ianlechef >
> On 05/06/2014 17:57, Sqwertz wrote:
> > Oh, go **** yourself you. I never did like your unbudging, snotty
> > hollier-than-thou attitude. You heard what you wanted to hear from
> > conversations past and I wasted my time genuinely trying to help you.
> Help me? Wierd. I didn't ask for your nor anyone else's help.
> What happened was that sqertz corrected Oliver RDO, with a very acid
> tone, picking him up on a spelling mistake.
> I quote
> "Once you know how to spell it properly and it's alternate name, you'll
> find a enough recipes to get you started.
> Fuscia Dunlop"
> In that post, he made a spelling mistake, which I in turn picked him
> up on, to try to point out that no one was above making minor spelling
> mistakes - I could also have pointed out that there was a grammatical
> error as well, he should have said "its alternate name" (without the
> apostrophe).
> It's always a bad idea to pick others up on spelling mistakes, as your
> latest post shows - the expression YOU wanted was "Holier-than-thou"
> What a shame that a once fine newsgroup should descend to this.
He hates it when his attitude turns around and bites him in the butt.
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.