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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default Cooking for One - Questions

On 6/5/2014 1:07 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> Some of the FB members may have heard, but my husband and best friend
> passed away on Sunday. the funeral was on Tuesday in New Jersey as we
> had already purchased plots there near my daughter's grave.
> I have spent my entire cooking life cooking for other people and now I
> just have me. I'm worried that I'll just not cook and then not get good
> nutrition.
> How do you single folks cook for yourselves? I really need to learn how
> to do this.
> I'm in NJ now but will be home on Sunday. My kneecap has healed well
> but I still have more PT and last Wednesday, despite having had the
> vaccine, I got shingles up and down my left arm. They are starting to
> heal now, but the nerve pain is still there. If anyone has any
> experience with shingles, I'd appreciate any helpful hints.
> The Great Yankee fan was honored at home on Monday night at the local
> independent league ball game where they held a moment of silence
> followed by playing "New York, NY"
> He was walking into the kitchen Sunday afternoon and sounded like he was
> choking, so I got up and went to him and he just fell over. I called
> 911 and they came in 10 minutes, but it was too late. They gave him CPR
> and all that stuff, but he was gone. I believe cardiac arrest was the
> listed cause of death.
> Big sports fan that he was, he always liked the idea of sudden death
> (as opposed to slow lingering death). For someone who had two cardiac
> bypass operations, was diabetic on an insulin pump, had congestive heart
> failure and a degenerating, herniated disc in his back, he traveled
> extensively, enjoyed his New York Yankees, volunteered at the Humane
> Society and was an all around good guy.
> Sorry for dumping this. Anyway, pleas send tips on how to cook for
> one. How do you inspire yourself to get up and make a meal for one person?

{{{big hugs}}}
