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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Need French Food Ideas

On 2014-06-06 5:48 AM, Ophelia wrote:

>> Perhaps it can be seen to be unkind, but I tend to agree that it isnt
>> helpful to help in this case. I never got any help with my
>> assignments, and it defeats the purpose if your parents are helping
>> you. It's not helping the child, who presumably will go out into the
>> world on it's own at some point.

> You misunderstand. I understand he doesn't like the mother, hell we
> hear about it *every* day, but calling the kid nasty names is not
> acceptable.

Yes. You hear it almost every day, but that that is because the mother
provides us with all the details, and all the lies that go along with
it. I had her filtered for a long time,but that was a waste of time
because you and a couple others were compelled to reply to every message
the idiot troll posts, taking her seriously, quoting the contents and
treating her as if she is a normal person.

She shared the information about the daughter being required to go to
summer school and being in a class of younger children. Read between the
lines. The daughter is so far behind in math that she is performed at a
lower grade level.... and learned nothing. Of course, there is the
possibility that Julie was just lying again.

If all that BS was flying around here I would not be commenting on it.