OT The one-legged cook is now a one-handed cook
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George Leppla
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,294
OT The one-legged cook is now a one-handed cook
On 6/5/2014 5:23 PM,
> I look at a night sky full of stars and KNOW there is no such thing as
> a god.
And I look at the same sky... or look at the sky from a ship in the
middle of the ocean... and I know that there IS a God. <vbg>
I get amused with the Theist-Atheist argument. To me, it isn't what you
believe but how you live your life.... especially how you treat others.
I really enjoy people who profess to be Christinas who want to cut food
stamps, aid to children and Veterans, health care, etc. The WWJD crowd
seems awfully selective in their Christianity. (BTW - if pressed, I do
consider myself to be a Christian, but not in the doctrine way of many
George L
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George Leppla
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