OT The one-legged cook is now a one-handed cook
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George Leppla
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,294
OT The one-legged cook is now a one-handed cook
On 6/6/2014 8:01 AM,
> I had a deal with David, whichever of us went first we would give a
> sign to the other if there was something more. Nothing in 20 years now
> and David was the most reliable person you could wish for.
When my mother was dying, we talked about the afterlife and what she
thought it might be like. (Background - my Father was a verbally and
physically abusive alcoholic who made my Mom's life a living Hell. He
died about 15 years before she did)
Anyway, Mom said that she thought that Heaven would be a place where she
would get to be with my Father again... but they would be young and
healthy and happy and in love, like they were when they first met.
I told her that if she was expecting to see my Father in the afterlife,
she had better pack some asbestos clothing because if there was any
truth to the Heaven/Hell thing, he was going to be in a very warm place.
If one of us is right, I hope it was Mom.
George L
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George Leppla
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