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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Need French Food Ideas

On 2014-06-06 12:32 PM, Cheri wrote:

> Actually, I've known Julie for 13 or more years, and it's not phony.

A lot of it is phony. It may be genuine Julie, but a lot of it is
bullshit. She tells so many lies she can't keep the stories straight.
One day her daughter is a dancer, and another day she is "disabled". She
said that her husband used to stop at restaurants on the way home to
eat, then she denied saying that he did that, and then we were just
remembering too much.

> That being said, everyone has the choice of who they wish to post to,
> and others have a choice to read it or not.

I tried filtering the compulsive poster, but compulsive sympathetic
repliers quote her posts, so it is hard not to read it. Hell, I don't
like watching TV commercials, but it is hard not to notice them when
they are being run over and over everywhere.