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Gary Gary is offline
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Default OT The one-legged cook is now a one-handed cook

Janet Wilder wrote:

> I'm the one who lost a child and now, my husband. The same funeral home
> that did my daughter's service did my husband's and his grave is right
> near hers, so it was doubly hard, if you know what I mean.
> My husband was not a well man, but he did the things he enjoyed. He was
> watching a NY Yankees baseball game, got up came into the kitchen and
> sounded like he was choking. Then he fell forward and hit the floor and
> was not breathing. The paramedics wee there in about 10 minutes but it
> was too late.
> I am so thankful that he did not suffer a long, debilitating illness. We
> had a great run of 28 years traveling more places and doing more things
> than most people. I'm grateful to have had him for that long.
> Someone from the humane society came and took the kittens. A friend
> took my dog.
> I'm going home Monday.

You now take care of yourself, Janet. Distractions of a happy kind
will be good for you. Don't go home and stay alone and dwell on this.
Get your dog and little kitties them and take care of
them. Once a day, get out of the house. I did daily grocery stores
trips once a day when I got divorced and lost my best friend. Just
getting out for even a half hour and socializing helps quite a bit.
It really does! Time will heal eventually.

Meanwhile, stress will take down your immune system and you need to
keep that up with your other problems. So....get out at least once per
day. Fill your life with new things now. You might even want to
consider moving to a new place eventually.

As far as your cooking for others have said, cook the same
as you always did for now and freeze the second portion for some day
you just don't feel like cooking.

When my daughter lived here, I cooked every meal. Once she moved out
to go to college, I had some major adjustments to do. I still cook
large but I freeze the leftover and then I do get to eat well even on
"days off" of cooking.

You just take care of yourself now. :-D
