Need French Food Ideas
"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Cheri" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> My style of dress also made me stick out like a sore thumb. It is not
>>> uncommon for people to wander around in pajamas or bedroom slippers
>>> here. You rarely see anyone dressed up and when you do, it is usually a
>>> Mormon out preaching.
>>> People on Cape Cod were still into that preppy look. We're just very
>>> casual here.
>> People walking around in pajamas and slippers outside of the home is not
>> casual, it's as the old joke says..."I've given up all hope of ever
>> trying to look presentable, so I might as well be comfortable."
> Well it still is what a lot of people do here. Some even go to work that
> way. I was shocked when I entered the Sleep Number store and a guy in PJs
> came out. He was the clerk!
> I don't bother to get dressed if I am not going anywhere. And I'll go
> outside that way. I rarely ever wear PJs though. I usually wear
> nightshirts that are like long Tshirts.
I can understand that in a Sleep Number store since it could be part of a
sales gimmick, and going outside to get a paper or something is one thing,
going out in public, no. Not saying people don't do it, but it's still
sloppy behavior.