[REC & Review] Garlic Prawns in Lemon & Butter Sauce
In article <cRXQc.239501$JR4.3480@attbi_s54>, notbob
> wrote:
> On 2004-08-06, kilikini > wrote:
> > glop it on? No. But still, I like little shavings of parm on my
> > cioppino.
> Thank you! I was starting to wonder. Cioppino without parm is
> blasphemy! ...and cioppino is most definitely seafood. I also
> sprinkle some parm on salmon and pasta salad. Howzabout some
> shredded Gruyere or Compte in a tuna/mac casserole? No cheese on
> seafood ...codswallop!... who spreads this silliness?
Apparently people on the east coast. I make grilled salmon with a
tomato-basil feta sauce that is gorgeous.
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