Thread: Kitchen Chaos
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Kitchen Chaos

On 2014-06-09 1:00 PM, sf wrote:

>> I was terribly disappointed that I had to leave for work and
>> the kitchen guy got to do the demo. I would have happily
>> taken a sledge hammer to those cabinets.

> That's for television and done by people you shouldn't have working
> for you anyway. In the demos I've watched, things like cabinets come
> out in one piece. They don't even take sledge hammers to lath &
> plaster walls.

That depends. Modern houses or houses with updated kitchens have modular
cupboards that are screwed in with 4 or more bolts. The are sometimes
also glued..... I found out. Older kitchens have much more solidly
constructed cupboards and are usually nailed in place. It is nice if you
get get them off with a wrecking bar, but a sledge hammer comes in handy
when they otherwise won't come off.

One thing you need to remember when using a sledge hammer is that it
breaks things into little pieces and it is a lot more work to pick up
all the little bits and haul them out of the work area and dispose of
them than it is to move on large piece.

My pantry was another matter. It was originally just a set of upper
cupboards. Years ago we converted it to a full length pantry, walling
in one end and hanging louver bifold doors. The original uppers were
held in place to a full size2x4 with 6 inch spikes. I used a sledge
hammer to knock that apart