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MaryL[_2_] MaryL[_2_] is offline
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Default Propane (WAS: Breakfast would have been...)

"Janet" wrote in message

In article >, stancole1 says...

Incidentally, I actually prefer electric stoves. I seem to be one
> of the few people to say that.


My parents homes all had gas, I learned to cook on it, all my sons'
homes have modern gas stoves and I often cook on those.. and I much
prefer cooking on my electric stove with two ovens which can be set to
automatic timers, grill, and a glass top hob.

Of all the electric stove hobs I've ever cooked on I prefer the
glasstop hob to solid rings or coil rings. Control response is very fast
and adjustable...and it's child's play to keep clean.

Janet UK

The oven I have has ceramic glass cooktop. I have had it since 1997, and it
looks like new. As you said, it is child's play to keep clean.
Incidentally, the oven is well insulated and I do not notice any heat at all
when baking. I notice that some people say they will not bake on hot days,
but I honestly cannot even feel any heat from the oven unless I place my
hand on it. The only time I can feel heat is when I use the self-cleaning
