Cooking for One - Questions
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Cooking for One - Questions
On Tue, 10 Jun 2014 07:46:09 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 2014-06-10 7:12 AM,
>>> Called about one of those Life Alert gizmos. $41 a month! Told the
>>> kids they could scrape me off the floor, I'm not paying.
>> I agree, that's a bit much. I keep a land line and have one with four
>> handsets. That way I keep one in the bathroom which is the room for
>> the most and worst accidents. It's at a low level in case I couldn't
>> reach it up on the counter.
>Wise idea. I once had a call in the middle of the night. It was my
>mother's neighbour. They had heard the tapping on the pipes. My mother
>had passed out in her bathroom and could not get up. Who knows if she
>had had a cordless phone with her if she could have managed to call.
>After that she had a life alert and only needed to push a button to get
Most any phone today can be programmed to call 911 with the push of a
button, or any phone number... many phones now come with a prominent
911 button. I have my Track Fone programmed to auto dial a half dozen
important numbers including 911. I thought about getting one of those
life alert type thingies but after some thought decided a Track Fone
was a far better solution. At home I have a land line extention in
every room, but whenever I walk out the door I have my Track Fone.
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