Thread: Stick figures?
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Stick figures?

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 6/10/2014 7:21 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Usually, no. I don't talk to the passengers unless I need to as in
>> trying to find some place. But from what I have read, talking to a live
>> passenger is not the same at all as using a cell phone even with blue
>> tooth. Has something to do with the person being right there with you.
>> Less distracting than talking to someone who is not there. If I am
>> driving through a tricky area such as one with lots of construction or I
>> am looking for an address, I won't have the radio on either.

> I talk to passengers when I'm driving but I don't turn to look at them
> when I'm doing so. I'm busy paying attention to the road and the traffic.
> I know it's not "real life" but when I see people on television shows turn
> their head to talk to the person in passenger seat, I cringe. Yes, I know
> they aren't really driving but I'm sure lots of people do so. I'm not one
> of them.

I cringe when they do that too.