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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Emergency Alert System (WAS: Cooking for One - Questions)

On 2014-06-11 9:44 AM, jmcquown wrote:

>> My neighbor fell twice, breaking her hip both times. I don't remember
>> the circumstances around the first time, however the second time she
>> fell - she was lying next to the table her cell phone was on, but she
>> couldn't reach it. So near and yet so far.

> That's exactly why people have these emergency alert
> pendants/wristbands. Just because you have a cell phone (or Sheldon's
> much touted TracFone) doesn't mean you can always get to it.

That's the way I figure it. Sounds good in theory but when and oldster
falls there is a good chance they are going to be in pain and/ore
disoriented. They might not be able to use the phone. I can't forget
how I felt after heart surgery. I was heavily medicated and bored to
tears. I had a book to read but I would have had to reach for the book
and for my glasses, and I would have had to hold the book up. That was
too much effort, so I sat there and stared at nothing for three days.