REQ: Kan Siu beef recipe
On 6/11/2014 4:04 PM, A Moose in Love wrote:
> Ghengis and buddies were sheep people.
Like your nazi buddies...
> Your beloved filth threw white phosphorus at my aunt in Hanover. But
> then you don't know that do you???
> WW2 was about power. Germany must not get too strong. Had the
> English shown proper diplomacy instead of
> declaring war on Germany, then WW2 would not have happened. WW2 is
> the fault of Britain.
> You would have lost to the Japs had you not committed war crimes and
> murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.
> Nothing wrong with drug use. Abuse is a different story. If you can
> control your heroin use, you will find that good heroin unlocks
> creativity.
> And let's hear your reasoning as to why the Great British Empire
> invaded and declared war onGermany? You are afraid to address that
> issue.
> As for the Polish stuff; Germany wanted a return of lands that were
> stolen from her after WW1.
> You are attempting to justify war crimes committed by your side.
> Let me axe you a question: If I go to my place, shoot up some
> heroin, and watch Star Trek, what damage have I done to society?
> And by the way, Germany did not start WW1; She stood by her ally and
> did not intend to create a world war. That world war was started by
> the 'allies'. Ditto for WW2. She did not intend to start a world war.