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Default Hepatitis from green onions

"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> Ray wrote:
> > Bit of a joke, but I've never called anyone a "Kike" or a "******",

> > certainly and don't forget the 'Nips'.

> We won't.
> > But I always qualify my postings by saying never judge a person by his
> > colour, judge him by the way he acts.

> Then why do you say "most" Asians are bad?
> > Obviously this is a US internal posting, but there is much talk of

> > immigration. Where do your immigrants originate?

> Mexico and Central America, though we have illegal immigrants from all
> over the world.

That's why we are called "Americans". We claim the continenent of North
America, Central America and South America, which we shorten it to us
Give us your unwanted, poor etc.
> > We have a immigration
> > problem in the UK, but they do not take our jobs, they are not here to

> > just to scrounge off the social security system and turn the UK into a
> > Muslim state.

> It's the "religion of peace."
> /sarcasm
> > That's not racist it's realist.

> I agree with you on that. What's the use in having laws if they're not
> enforced? And what's the use in letting in people who don't or won't
> work? It costs less to feed and house them in their countries of origin.

Then it is OK for people to work and take jobs away from citizens so that
arguement is gone. The jobs should go to the most qualified.
Lets talk realism here, when we have 2 kids per family and with the baby
boomers going on to retirement, then we don't have enough people to cover
their care. We need a large working force to pay for the care and Social
Security. The only way to do is through immigration.
The economics will cover themselves as if people can't work then the
government will cut back on benefits and money. What the UK is saying is
that because you are a UK citizen then you have a right to free money in our
socialist system.
The immigrant has the advantage as they come from countries where they have
no government programs giving people money so they have learned to do
without and with very little help compared to home grown citizens.
There is no communist system in their country of origin usually. You work
you get to eat and if you don't then you don't eat. I would hope that this
reward system would be strived for instead of complaining that people are
taking Welfare money.
You will never see a person on Welfare go work in the fields. Instead they
complain about foreigners taking benefits and jobs.
As far as taking the UK into a muslin state, what kind of state are you now
with the Catholics killing the Protestants. It reminds me of the Alamo
heroes that gained Texas their independance from the dictator of Mexico.
One of the arguements was that Mexico did not allow religious freedom. Once
they gained their independence they put the black man in chains, instituted
slavery and proclaimed Texas a free state.