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Jeßus[_3_] Jeßus[_3_] is offline
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Default Cupcake bill - bad precedent

On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 23:26:57 -1000, dsi1
> wrote:

>On 6/11/2014 2:00 PM, Jeßus wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 13:40:06 -1000, dsi1
>> > wrote:
>>> On 6/11/2014 11:26 AM, Jeßus wrote:
>>>> I find it funny, although one or two episodes are enough for me.
>>>> Have to admit the worst Bogans on the show all seem to be from
>>>> Tasmania
>>> That's interesting. The only thing most Americans know about Tasmania is
>>> that it's the home of the Tasmanian devil. I'm not talking about the
>>> marsupial, I mean the cartoon character. Oh well...

>> It's a funny place, Tasmania. It's far enough away from the mainland
>> so that it's remained largely untouched and isolated - if you go to
>> some of the really small and isolated towns, the gene pool is
>> pretty... restricted, let's just say. Basically unchanged since the
>> convict days. You're not a local unless you were born within a few
>> miles of the town. And you're not welcome there, either, for the most
>> part.
>> Of course, they're in the minority but they do exist.
>> Plenty of other very wonderful and helpful people here, that plus a
>> pristine environment with the world's cleanest air and water more than
>> compensate for me. A world away from the rat race... this computer is
>> my only link to that world.

>Thanks for the info. Sounds like a pretty good deal. I suppose that if I
>wanted a simpler, slower life I could just hop a plane to one of the
>other island just a few minutes away from here. I recently visited a
>senior center on one of these islands and my understanding is that our
>host asked if I had a girlfriend. She wanted to fix me up with one of
>the ladies there. I said "aye carumba!" OTOH, I always want to keep my
>options open. :-)

LOL, you could be her toy boy